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Our Programs

The COTLF Religious Education Program offers the following Catechetical/Faith Formation classes:

  • Systematic Religious Education for students for all grade levels from Kinder through High School

  • Sacramental Preparation for Baptism of children ages of 7-16

  • Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist

  • Sacramental Preparation for the Conferral of Confirmation


Please note: Both the Reconciliation/Eucharist and Confirmation Sacramental Preparation Programs require TWO consecutive years of classes.


It is our pleasure to journey with your family in the ongoing Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation of your children.

Image by CDC
Systematic Catechesis

Whether just starting to learn about the faith as a Kindergartner or continuing to discover the beauty of the Church through ongoing Religious Ed, our Systematic Catechesis offers Catholic religion classes for every grade level from Kinder through High School.


These classes help fill the gap in Catholic Religious Education encountered by families whose children attend public, charter, or private,

non-Catholic schools.


Image by Matthew T Rader
Sacramental Catechesis

The "second pillar" of Catechesis, Sacramental Catechesis, builds on the foundation of our Systematic Catechesis and specifically assists our students preparing to receive the Sacraments of First Penance, First Eucharist, Confirmation, and in special circumstances, Baptism. 


Sacramental preparation encompasses two (2) consecutive years of Sacramental Catechesis, as required by the USCCB

and the Archdiocese of Miami.

Image by Ben White
Special Needs

We are proud to offer catechetical formation and sacramental preparation for our young parishioners with learning disabilities and/or special needs.


Our parish catechetical and sacramental preparation programs can be uniquely adapted to accommodate our students' needs. 


The smaller class size provides our catechist more time to work with the students individually as they discover the Catholic faith.

Image by James Coleman
First Penance/Communion

Starting as early as 1st Grade,

the First Penance/ First Communion Preparation program helps prepare students for the reception of both their First Reconciliation and their First Holy Communion, traditionally celebrated in the Spring of the 2nd year of Catechesis.


Though most students enroll in 1st and 2nd Grades, we can prepare students at any grade level. It's never too late!

Image by Annie Spratt
Home School

Students who attend a full-time home school program may also enroll in our parish catechetical and sacramental preparation programs and continue receiving instruction and catechesis at home.


Home school families desiring to celebrate the sacraments at our parish would need to register regularly with our program for two (2) consecutive years and participate in all regular preparatory events, including all student and family retreats.

Image by Mateus Campos Felipe

The Conferral of Confirmation

is the final step of full initiation

into the Catholic Church.

Our candidates  will mature in the faith with the help of a Sponsor who will journey with them through various special events as part of the Confirmation Prep.


Sacramental Catechesis for  Confirmation begins as early 

as the 7th Grade.

© 2020, Church of the Little Flower, Coral Gables, FL. Proudly created with


Contact us!   |   |   (305) 446-9950   |   2711 Indian Mound Trail, Coral Gables, FL 33134

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